Region: Northern
Program Institution: Clarkson University
College/University: Clarkson University
Major/Minor: Nursing
Graduation Date: 2016
Graduate School/University: Pennsylvania
State University
Major/Minor: M.S. Aerospace Engineering
Significant Professional or Academic Accomplishments:
Clarkson Alumni Sergio Gallucci 16’ was awarded the
prestigious National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research
Fellowship. Sergio is former CSTEP and McNair student. Sergio’s
NSF proposal detailed an analysis of the performance characteristics
of water as a propellant on a helicon plasma ambipolarthruster
for small spacecraft, which he believes could shift the current
space exploration and development paradigm. Gallucciis currently
pursuing an M.S. in Aerospace Engineering at the Pennsylvania
State University. His long-term goals are to attain a doctorate
and to help push forward space resource acquisition and space