S. Jefferson
Region: Long Island
Program Institution: SUC at Old Westbury
College/University: SUC at Old Westbury
Major/Minor: B.S. Chemistry
Significant Professional or Academic Accomplishments:
Itisha S. Jefferson completed her freshman and sophomore years
at SUNY College at Old Westbury. The summer following her
sophomore year, she was a SUNY Downstate Medical Center Summer
Research Scholar. That fall, she transferred to Spelman, from
which she graduated, cum laude with departmental honors and
a B.S. in chemistry.
While Old Westbury cannot claim the succession of honors
and research experiences that continued through Itesha’s
junior and senior years, we recognize the caliber of her work
undoubtedly, Spelman will publish her accomplishments. She
is currently a J. William Fulbright English Teaching Assistant
Scholar in South Korea.