to STEP In the News
Brain Busters vs.
Brain Boosters
John’s University (STJ), September 29, 2012

During the 2012-2013 academic year, St. John’s University
(STJ) STEP program will be guided by the theme of Brain Busters
vs. Brain Boosters. STJ STEP will work on promoting how the
benefits of good healthy habits such as a proper nutrition
and routine exercise can help a student excel in academic,
sports and life. An exciting segue into this year’s
theme was the opportunity offered to the STEP students of
STJ when invited to attend St. John’s University: Tenth
Annual University Service Day event held on September 29.
An important element covered on this day by STEP, was to
work and harvest the newly grown crops of St. John’s
Sustainability Garden. Through this exercise, the students
were taught how to recover unused food that is no longer edible
and how perishable foods can be used as compost. They also
learned the value of recycling by converting un-used food
into compost. From working on a sustainability garden, STJ’s
STEP program learned about the benefits of exercise and its
contribution toward maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This
presentation was held on October 27, by Ms. Ellen Bodner,
a certified physical therapist who also provided the students
with a perspective of her profession.
Included with these great opportunities offered to the STEP
participants, the students participate in lab experiments
and have classes on Saturdays in science, math and writing.
Tutoring is also available during the week to assist the students
with regents’ prep, school math and science classes.