to STEP In the News
Albany Medical College
STEP student’s college essay makes it to the big (New
York) Times
May 18, 2013
Ana Castro, an AMC STEP senior who attended
Doane Stuart in Rensselaer, wrote about her life and the culture
of alienation she experiences as a Latina. She wrote about
the ambiguity of her feelings about a word so confidently
bandied about by many – especially politicians- and
especially on certain days on the calendar. That word is Patriotism.
Born in the United States with Dominican Republic parents
she says she is stuck in limbo between the two worlds –
neither of which feels very welcoming. But her essay which
was submitted to the New York Times in response to an invitation
by a New York Times Business Day reporter who writes about
money, class, working and the economy caused the reporter,
Ron Lieber to swallow hard. It was selected to be featured
along with only three other students’ essays in the
May 18th edition. Ana received copious college advising at
AMC STEP from our STEP College counselor and constant support
from her school – Doane Stuart and is attending Hamilton
College this fall. The article can be found online in the
NYT archives for May 18, 2013.
Source: Albany Medical College STEP: New
York Times Article