to CSTEP In the News
The College at Brockport
CSTEP scholars attended 18th Ronald E. McNair Undergraduate
Research Conference
University at Buffalo, July 19-21,

This past summer, CSTEP scholars from The College at Brockport
attended the prestigious University at Buffalo’s 18th
Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program’s
Undergraduate Research Conference.
Students presented their research in both poster and oral
sessions, attended a graduate school fair, and networked with
fellow CSTEP and McNair scholars from all across the nation.
Keynote speaker Dr. Freeman Hrabowksi, III, President of
the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, who was recently
featured in 60 Minutes for UMBC’s achievements
in innovation and inclusive excellence, truly inspired the
students with his message of perseverance and determination.