to CSTEP In the News
Students Represent
Brockport During SUNY Day
Annual Advocacy Day Puts
Students in Front of Legislators
For Immediate Release, February 12, 2013
CSTEP student Daniela Bulos, right, with SUNY Chancellor
Nancy Zimpher.
ALBANY, NY— Three students from The
College at Brockport, State University of New York, spent
yesterday in Albany, sharing information about the College
at a table display as part of SUNY Day, an annual advocacy
day organized by SUNY.
Along the way they had the opportunity to interact with legislators,
students from other SUNY schools, and SUNY Chancellor Nancy
Zimpher. As part of SUNY Day, many system schools
set up displays in the Legislative Office Building in the
state capital.
Marie LaBrie, a graduate student majoring
in psychology, was joined by Daniela Bulos
’15 and Nayeri Jacobo ’14. The
students were both representing Brockport and sharing information
about the College’s Institute for Engaged learning.
"SUNY Day was a phenomenal experience, and I am thankful
for having the opportunity of representing the college, "
said Bulos.
The Institute serves as a portal for students who are searching
for a challenging extracurricular experience that fits their
interests. Staff at the Institute work with students to identify
their goals and aspirations, then collaborate with them to
identify programs and opportunities that will aid in accomplishing
them. These opportunities include study abroad, internships,
collaborative research with faculty, living learning communities,
and more.
Assistant provost for Diversity Joel Frater,
PhD, oversees the Institute for Brockport and was also in
attendance for SUNY Day.
“This was not only an opportunity for us to advocate
for resources, but to showcase the accomplishments of our
outstanding students, faculty and staff, said Frater. “Our
students were able to answer questions about their experiences
learning and living at Brockport in general and about high
impact educational experience such as service learning, undergraduate
research, study abroad, living learning communities, leadership
development and community service, in particular.”
Source: The College at Brockport Press Release:
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